Hey Parents!
All your children did very well Sunday. I'm hoping they showed you the bookmark they brought home. They can use the side with the artwork to tell you the story of the fiery furnace. You should encourage them to do that and see how well they do. The other side has three commitments on it. I don't know how the other teachers did this in their class...I had the youngest children. I gave each one an opportunity to make a commitment. I read each choice to them and asked which they would like to do. They all chose at least 1. Please find out which they did and encourage them to try to keep their commitment. If the bookmark has been misplaced, here are the choices: 1. Practice memorizing this lesson's verse: Do not be afraid, for I am with you. (Isaiah 43:5a). We will be using this same verse next Sunday. 2. Practice Stop and Think prayer three times this week. Close your eyes, breathe. Stop and think about what you want to talk to God about. Then talk to God about what is on your mind. 3. Answer the question: What are some ways that I can remind others that God is with them? Write out two ways you could do this throughout the week. Thank you so much! Mr. Chuck DBC Families,
How many of you have heard or taken the class the 5 love languages? I have gone through it several times. I have to admit that words of affirmation are at the bottom of my list. This is not something I am proud of and it has been a constant struggle. I keep being reminded that our children need affirmation. Specifically, they need to know that we love them and are proud of them. “There is the story that the husband said to his wife; “I told you when I married you that I loved you, and I told you that if it ever changed I would let you know.” This does not make our spouse or our children feel loved and valued. I am challenging myself to at least once a day look into each child’s eyes and tell them that I love them and am proud of them. No matter how they act, what they say, or do, that we love them and are proud of them. God’s love and pride in us is not based on what we do or do not do. It is based upon His eternal character. Jeremiah 31:3 “The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have continued to extend faithful love to you.” –This was directly to Israel, but I believe that it applies to us as well. God loves us with an everlasting love! Remember to Shine His Love! Jared P.S. –Tell them why you are proud of them list their strengths and qualities that make them special and unique! Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Messiah,
I hope that your week has been going well. I wanted to thank you again for making last Sunday’s worship service special. Our prayer was that you would be able to see an aspect of worshipping God that we as Western Christians rarely see. We remembered God’s faithfulness to us, His sustenance, and providence. This week builds on the idea of God’s Word being a part of our lives. It is called Simchat Torah and means Rejoicing with the Torah. It is a joyful feast and for centuries it was a time of thanking God for His Word and reminding each other how precious it truly is. My hope is that this Sunday we will come away with an even better appreciation and love for God’s Word and the Word that became flesh. See you soon. Ivan Hi wonderful parents!
God never ceases to amaze me! And the crazy thing is that over the last couple of decades I have taught these lessons over and over. I could easily look at the lesson 3 years ago and copy it, but God teaches me something fresh every year (or lets me forget what He taught me earlier so I can be amazed again 😊. Last week we learned about the wisdom God gave Solomon. This week we are finding out that Solomon did not always use that wisdom. In fact, in the first 2 verses we learn that Solomon had many wives (1000 if you include the concubines... all mentioned in verse 3). And what's worse, they were from nations God told the Israelites not to mingle with because they would do exactly what they did to Solomon... turn him away from the Lord toward idols. God tells Solomon He is going to rip the kingdom away from him... but keep reading... in spite of the horrible things Solomon has done... for the sake of David He will leave a portion of the kingdom in the hands of a descendant. I can not read this and not think of what God has done for me, for the sake of His Son, Jesus. He has forgiven every sin I will have committed until the day I am home with Him. All I can say is WOW! Please read these verses with your family and discuss them with your children. I am available by text, email, or phone call to help with any questions you have. Blessings! Mr. Chuck |
AuthorWe take turns writing when God gives us an idea. The author will be noted. Archives
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