I received an email today talking about new products being created (link). One in particular looked interesting to me. It is a container that promises to “keep your products at the peak of their freshness, with our patented vacuum seal system.” It is the “world’s most advanced non-electric vacuum storage container.” Curious to know what they named it? Savior! It’s an interesting name to be sure, but 2 lines from their advertisement in particular jumped out to me. “Invest in the Savior now and enjoy your products fresher and longer and without waste. The Savior will pay for itself many times over.”
I’m constantly amazed by what we put our faith and hope in to “save” us from things, problems, feelings or whatever. In this case, this product promises to save us from food spoilage. Sometimes we think people or a new relationship will save us. While at other times we think that changing jobs or churches, towns or schools will save us from some problem. We keep investing in false “saviors,” looking for a salvation that doesn’t last. And they will all disappoint us at some point. It is only when we realize what the True Problem is that we can finally seek the True Solution. It isn’t found in stuff or other humans or places. It is found in a relationship with the one and only everlasting Savior. This Savior has paid for us once and for all time and is much more than we can even hope or imagine. There is no waste with Him for all that call upon Him will be saved! Ivan Hi Parents!
This week's lesson (chapter 3) is very similar to what we learned last year. God created everything and made a beautiful garden where He had a close relationship with Adam and Eve. God would visit with them daily and walk through the garden with them. One day Satan convinced Adam and Eve to disobey God (sin). That put a wall between them and God. This was not the way God planned it, it wasn't what He wanted, BUT it was what He knew would happen. No longer could a holy God walk with the people. Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden. Slowly God's plan to redeem the undeserving people played out. God sent His Son, Jesus, to die for all people so all people had a chance to be redeemed. Jesus died on the cross even though He had done nothing wrong, and rose again the third day to show victory belonged to God. We now had a simple, undeserved path to a clean relationship with God. All we need to do is believe Jesus died for our sins and then our sins are forgiven. We are still sinners because we still live in our old bodies. But God sees us as white as snow. We are forgiven sinners, redeemed saints, walking through a sinful world with God at our side. Praise God! One day we will have our new bodies and we will once again walk with God in the garden. I hope you have been reading this weeks story (chapter 3) with your children/teens. Help them understand this important lesson. God bless you for loving your kids! Mr. Chuck Because I am a tech geek, I like reading tech articles. Because I love God, I like reading articles about Him. It was surprising to me when I came across an article that fused both loves into one page. In Germany, they are preparing for the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation. There are tours of famous places and plans of meetings. But this article spoke of one thing in particular. The Protestant Church in Germany created a robot called BlessU-2 that blesses people in eight different languages (see here). Can you believe that, being blessed by a robot? And if you are blessed by something impersonal that has no soul, is it really a blessing?
This world has many, many impersonal things. Even in the past, people would worship impersonal gods created by their own hands. But this world wasn’t created to be impersonal and lifeless. The reason is because the God of the Bible is not an impersonal being. He is the God that wants to be known and Who came to earth to be God with us! This week we will be looking at how God is personal, how He loves us and why that is a blessing to our lives forever. Ivan |
AuthorWe take turns writing when God gives us an idea. The author will be noted. Archives
April 2021
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