We are worshiping in our Chapel building this Sunday.
For those who can't attend in-person, you are welcome watch our livestream found on our Weekly Service Stream page, which will begin around 10:45am, or come to the parking lot and listen on FM 105.3.
For those who can't attend in-person, you are welcome watch our livestream found on our Weekly Service Stream page, which will begin around 10:45am, or come to the parking lot and listen on FM 105.3.
Our Covid-19 Response:
Though we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7), we are also commanded to be wise (Proverbs 4:5).
The elders of Denali Bible Chapel have been praying and seeking God’s wisdom in this current pandemic. While we realize that there are those in our congregation who believe that it would be foolish to keep meeting because of the spread of the virus, and others who believe that limiting any ministry in the Chapel is succumbing to fear, it is important to strike a balance. Our prayer is that Satan will not use this “crisis” to sow a seed of discord and disunity within our congregation. He would like nothing better than to keep us from God’s goals for the Chapel. We have spent countless hours diligently reading articles, seeking medical and health professional advice and believe that the procedures we are recommending will help address the health and safety concerns surrounding the continuance of the coronavirus. These steps are based on CDC and Alaska State guidance that will help to protect our congregation family. As followers of Jesus Christ, we should not panic, but we should pray and take appropriate precautions to protect others as well as ourselves.
Actions of the Chapel
- Proper cleaning and sanitizing of all hard surfaces throughout the Chapel twice a week.
- Providing sanitizing stations in the Chapel.
- Communion will be served in individual packaging. Beginning on March 22.
- Tithing will be online or dropped off in person.
- Coffee service will be suspended.
- Nursery care will be suspended for the time-being.
- Rows will be spaced out to allow 6 feet for social distancing between family groups.
- We will broadcast the service over low-frequency FM for those that would like to worship from their cars. The channel is 105.3.
- We will upload the message for those that are unable to attend the service in person.
Personal Action within the Chapel
- We are asking that all who attend DBC in-person wear a mask or cloth face covering when entering DBC and walking to their seats. (those younger than 5 or who medically cannot will not need to). There will be seating for those who want to wear masks during the service and those who do not want to wear masks during the service.
- Limit handshaking and hugging.
- Frequent and thorough hand-washing with soap and hot, not scalding water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your face and mouth.
- We are requesting that you worship in-person only if you are healthy and you do not have any of the Covid-19 symptoms: Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Fever, Chills, Muscle pain, Sore throat, New loss of taste or smell.
- If you are in the high risk groups (see: https://bit.ly/38R6lFe), we recommend worshiping from home.
- Avoid contact with others if you are sick (symptoms include fever, coughing, sneezing, anything flu-like).
- Teach these health and safety precautions to your children.
- While the CDC recommends that if you have traveled recently to a hotspot area or have traveled and are in the medium to high risk groups that you wait 14 days until returning to regular activities, we recommend for all that have traveled to wait 14 days to return to DBC in order to protect the high risk in our Chapel community.
Stay Connected While Absent from the Chapel
- We will keep the Chapel website up-to-date: denalibiblechapel.org
- Sermons are available online: https://www.denalibiblechapel.org/sermons.html
- Tithes and offerings can be made online https://www.denalibiblechapel.org/giving.html or you can mail in your faithful support.
- Email prayer requests, praises, and questions to: [email protected], or any of the elders.